The raison d’être of Aldes group is to offer a healthier life to all occupants of buildings;
On a daily basis, we design indoor living spaces that are smart and caring, and contribute to ensuring the health and well-being of occupants of buildings.
To do so, we have a battle to fight together, with conviction and with determination.
A battle against poor indoor air quality where we live, work and play…
Because we breathe 12,000 liters of air every day and indoor air is up to 8 times more polluted than outside air
Because we spend 90 % of our time indoors.
Poor indoor air quality can lead to cancer, allergies, insomnia and other respiratory problems.
4 million people are impacted in France alone by poor air quality and 235 million people in the world.
We are the militants of indoor air quality.
We have a battle to fight against invisible enemies called CO? (carbon dioxide), VOCs (volatile organic compounds), fine particles…