Värmebaronen is a unique company in the energy sector, as all products in its wide range are designed and manufactured in its own factory in Sweden. This creates jobs and purchasing power in the region, while at the same time maintaining full control over production and thus ensuring quality.
In order to compete with the price-cutting products of the former East Bloc and Asia, Värmebaronen has invested millions of Swedish kroner in state-of-the-art machines. The latest acquisition is a line laser, which is the size of a small suburban train. This manufactures the burner hoses for the Viking Bio Pellet Burner.
The positive evolution of the company has been rewarded with awards such as the GASELL Award from Dagens Industri, which is given to companies that demonstrate strong growth and profitability. Värmebaronen has also won awards for its efforts in the development and manufacture of environmentally friendly products.